Up to $200 credit is available with the SA government Sport Vouchers initiative! To redeem your Sport Voucher simply complete the form below.

To use your Sport Voucher your child must be enroled in an eligible YMCA program. So if you are new, simply enrol your child first (online or in-person), then once enroled complete the below form. If you are an existing student, simply complete the below form. You can choose to submit 1 voucher ($100) or 2 vouchers ($200). Credit will be placed on your family account within 15 business days, and will be automatically used to pay for direct debit payments.

All students, reception to Year 9 are entitled to a 2 x $100 per calendar year. Further details about the initiative can be found on the Sports Vouchers Website.

Sport Voucher Redemption Form

Submitting this form is equivalent to submitting a hardcopy version and can not be reversed. By submitting this online form, you are requesting that your child's Sports Voucher be allocated to a YMCA Sport program. Only use this form if your child:

  • is already enrolled in the YMCA program (Swimming Lessons, Gymnastics, Impact Youth classes)
  • is in Reception - Year 9
  • has not already used this years Sport Voucher with another provider

Once submitted, you will receive an email receipt. Please check your junk folder if you do not receive this email.

Child Details

Child Gender  
Child Identification  
10 digits
Single digit after child's name on card

Parent/Guardian Details

Have you already claimed your Sport Voucher this year?  
You can only claim 2 x $100 vouchers per child per calendar year
How many vouchers are you claiming?
Is your child already enrolled in the program?  
Your child must be enrolled to claim. First enrol in the program, then submit this form.
Is your child in school (reception - year 9)?  
The SA government has restricted Sport Vouchers to children of Primary and High School age
Has your child been identified as living with a disability?  
Is English the main language spoken at home?  
Is your child from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background?  
Which YMCA Centre is your child currently enrolled?
Terms & Conditions  
By submitting this form I confirm my child's Sport Voucher has not yet been used this calendar year and qualifies for the Sport Voucher initiative (Reception to Year 9). I also understand that it may take up to 15 business days for the Sport Voucher credit to be applied to my account. Credit will automatically be used to pay for future YMCA programming debits and is non-refundable. Lastly, I consent to sharing this information with the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

Please note that this is a generic YMCA form. Kindly select your local Y Centre in the form above.